Med Sebastian Bertzell vid spakarna kastar Nyhetsmackan loss och styr skutan in i nyheternas absurdum. Panelen diskuterar The New World Order, vad 


För mer än tjugo år har amerikaner samt människor från hela världen har utsatts för kontinuerlig besprutning av "chemtrails". Detta aerosolspray innehåller aluminium, barium, svamp, bakterier, nanopartiklar, och en myriad (otalig mängd) av andra patogener (framkallar) och som förstör vårt vatten, vår jord och vår hälsa. Miljontals människor tror att detta är ett program för

"Vädret styrs av chemtrails" För mer än tjugo år har amerikaner samt människor från hela världen har utsatts för kontinuerlig besprutning av "chemtrails". Detta aerosolspray innehåller aluminium, barium, svamp, bakterier, nanopartiklar, och en myriad (otalig mängd) av andra patogener (framkallar) och som förstör vårt vatten, vår jord och vår hälsa. Subscribe now for more! out our home on 10play: the white streaks left behind by airc Een veelgehoord argument van chemtrails-ontkenners is dat chemtrails geen onderscheid kunnen maken tussen de elite en de gewone bevolking op de grond, dus de daders zouden zichzelf en hun naasten er ook mee treffen. Dat klopt, maar de illuminati hebben geneesmiddelen tot hun beschikking die hen beschermen tegen de meeste effecten van chemtrails.

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In 2013, Prince Subscribe now for more! out our home on 10play: the white streaks left behind by airc Some theorize that the chemicals in chemtrails are for environmental or pest control, similar to the reason farm crops are dusted from smaller aircraft. Others fear the purpose of the chemtrails is more sinister. In all cases, the chemtrail controversy assumes a secret attempt to spread chemicals via aircraft, using the contrail effect as a cover. Illuminati Manchester A Blog dedicated to exposing the hidden symbolism of the 'Ruling Bloodlines' in the Greater Manchester area.

USA Ann Charlott Altstadt: Qanon är konspirationsteoretikerna som blivit en politisk maktfaktor. Sebasthian Wilnerzon Thörn is a writer and director, known for Mystikhörnan (2013), Var är Willie?

The Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory is the belief that the tracks across the sky left by airplanes, usually called contrails, are actually composed of illness-causing or weather-controlling chemical elements actively being distributed to the populace by malevolent parties like the Illuminati or a secret government program. The conspiracy theory is widely discussed in forums online.

South Manchester ChemTrails 'Chemtrails' photos taken in Levenshulme, South Manchester on Saturday 11th December 2010 by a friend of this Blog. Posted by Sam Bamford at This group is for members who are interested in conspiracy theories, illuminati, masons, new world order (nwo), chemtrails, vaccines.

Illuminati chemtrails

En vecka där fantasi möter verklighet, och kanske får vi möta den ena teorin galnare än den andra. Eller så kommer det att handla om något helt 

As  Nov 16, 2017 "Secret meeting of the Grey's Anatomy Illuminati. #chemtrails" - @caterinatweets #GreysAnatomy  Jun 21, 2019 Who was really behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York? Was it the US government, meaning the Twin Towers were subject to a  Feb 11, 2019 Another reason people believe that the Illuminati exists is because it did exist in the past (Santoro, 2018).

I have taken a lot of time to assemble this story because I firmly believe that chemtrails are harming and killing people. We have all witnessed the continuing trail of dying celebrities. They're led by NATO, which, just as the UN, is an illuminati organisation. Chemtrails can be recognised by the thick stripes they form in the sky.
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Illuminati chemtrails

An A to Z compendium for our paranoid times that explores the most popular conspiracy theories, from Area 51 and vaccines to Chemtrails and  Apr 22, 2016 Prince was renowned as a prolific musician and fearless gender-fluid sex symbol —but he was also a champion of personal freedom from  Mar 10, 2019 THE Illuminati and Flat Earth conspiracy theories are the most looked up conspiracies online, according to newly published research. Here are  Contrail-like cloud left by aircraft believed by "spiritual" people to contain chemicals or crystals. These chemtrails are allegedly part of a secret government   Discover 18 Chemtrails designs on Dribbble. thinkin' with ya gut motion chemtrails illustrator conspiracy theories illuminati after effects funny animation design. Mar 25, 2014 A new study shows how certain people, based the type of media they consume, make themselves vulnerable to conspiracy theories on social  Jul 29, 2020 Does your otherwise sensible friend believe the moon landing was a Hollywood hoax?

In the words of General Smedley Butler, who stopped the Illuminati from overthrowing the government: “War is a racket.” Smedley Butler & The Business Plot: War Is A Racket. And FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson spoke out against chemtrails, when he wasn’t exposing child molesters in the CIA. Follow our page for more great content that exposes the agenda of the illuminati. #chemtrails #geoengineering #newworldorder #illuminati They give me the sum of $10,000,000 and many thing. through the Illuminati I was able to become rich, and have many industry on my own and become famous and popular in my country, today me and my family is living happily and I am the most happiest man here is the opportunity for you to join the Illuminati and become rich and famous in life and be like other people and your life we be change When speaking about the New World Order, Illuminati, chemtrails, and a supposed global manipulation, the singer said that everyone is simply servants and slaves on a plantation.
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Illuminati chemtrails

Feb 25, 2018 For decades followers of the “chemtrail” conspiracy theory have been convinced, and have tried to convince others, that the government – or 

Treating search engines as editorial products with   CIA ILLUMINATI MKULTRA NWO CHEMTRAILS. Watch.